Research on Disaster Infomatics
Using Local Media to Enhance Disaster Awareness
Disasters are an Issue and Responsibility for Everyone
近藤 誠司 准教授
Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences
Associate Professor Seiji Kondo
Associate Professor, Seiji Kondo of the Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences, is a former director at NHK, called the Japan Broadcasting Association. Capitalizing on his experience with NHK's MEGAQUAKE special series, which earned the Prime Minister's Award at the Science and Technology Film/Video Festival, and in collaboration with his research lab students, Professor Kondo undertakes practical experiments and research focusing on the question of how information should be conveyed in times of disaster so that residents can take appropriate measures to protect themselves. His efforts extend to elementary school broadcasting, printed public announcements in marginal villages, community FM broadcasts, cable TV, and other local media.
Grand Prize Winner of the BOUSAI Koshien Prize
What is your field of study?
I study Disaster Journalism Theory and Disaster Information Theory. As far as I know, our university is the only one in the world with a Disaster Journalism Theory research lab. At present, we are especially involved in practical experiments and research utilizing diverse types of local media to enhance disaster awareness. I believe that using specifically tailored local media to share local information is an important function of journalism.
The BOUSAI Koshien prize honors children and students involved in disaster risk reduction (DRR) education and activities at schools and in local areas. Your lab won the 2019 BOUSAI Koshien grand prize.
The theme of the seminar activities is "BOUSAI for everyone. " The idea is to consider DRR as an issue concerning everyone in a diverse sense, including the elderly, children, and persons with disabilities or with intractable diseases. I believe the comprehensiveness of our efforts is what earned us the recognition.
近藤ゼミが制作協力をしている防災に関する番組「Happy BOUSAi (ハッピー防災)」(えふえむ草津)。「防災の日」特別番組収録の様子
The Kondo Seminar is participating in the production of the disaster risk reduction radio program "Happy BOUSAi" (FM Kusatsu). This photo shows them on the day of the recording of the Special Edition for "Disaster Prevention Day."
Employing Diverse Types of Media, Working on BOUSAI for everyone
Please tell us more about the details of your activities.
If subdivided finely, there are about 20 projects. We have this large number of projects as the types of media are so diverse, including printed public announcements, school broadcasting, radio, cable TV, and so on. There are about 10 local fields in which we work. These are not limited to the Kansai region but include prefectures in other regions, such as Fukui and Fukushima. Nearly all of the projects have been in operation for four to six years.
We began with elementary school broadcasting, and this project remains active. At Shinyo Elementary School in Nagata Ward, Kobe, we have been using the school's public address system to broadcast DRR stories to students on a weekly basis. The scripts for the broadcasts are created in conjunction with the students. We ask the students to give us ideas. The university students write these ideas into the broadcast scripts, and the elementary school students read them out.
The school broadcasts are a form of small-scale media with a target audience of only about 200, but the listening rate is nearly 100%. With almost all students hearing the broadcast message, it becomes a momentary topic of conversation. However, the children soon forget what they hear; so every month, we transcribe the broadcasts and issue a school newsletter on the subject of DRR. The newsletter reaches parents as well. We look into the degree to which DRR is discussed at home and analyze changes in how parents approach the subject, if at all.
We also produce a cable TV show in the town of Kyotamba in Kyoto Prefecture. The students handle all activities, which include appearing on screen, filming, editing, and narrating. The town's cable TV has a broadcast reach of approximately 90%, and thus, the student newscasters have become local celebrities. People call out greetings to them when they walk around town.
One of the local sites is struggling with an aging population. Takasu-cho in Fukui City is a so-called marginal settlement in the mountains with about 40 households and a population aging rate of approximately 70%. Nearly everyone in the settlement is 70 years or older. Moreover, given the recent rain patterns there, the heightened risk of landslide damage cannot be ignored. However, the residents have lived there all their lives without ever being greatly affected and they tend to believe they can muddle through somehow.
We sought a type of local media suited to the conditions there. After finding nothing appropriate, we started issuing printed public announcements. They were printed in color on one side of an A3 size paper. The content was mostly photographs, with text in large type. We distributed the announcements to every household and they became quite popular.
Most of the photographs were taken by students, which show them interacting with local residents. Some residents carefully preserved the photographs. Occasionally, we published DRR information concerning landslide damage and evacuation. Our approach was to enhance the awareness of the residents gradually and get them to be proactive about engaging in DRR and preparation.
In the city of Amagasaki, we are involved with a group of people affected by intractable diseases in an effort to think about how to promote DRR, with tsunami evacuation measures as the main theme. Every Thursday morning, we present a program called "BOUSAI Aiai" on FM Amagasaki, a community FM station. We had our 100th broadcast in the month of September this year. The program is hosted by students, who also write the drafts.
Slope observation in the Takasu-cho area of Fukui
Volunteering in Kyotamba, which experienced signifi cant damage from the torrential rains that ravaged western Japan
Recording of a disaster prevention-themed TV show
A meeting of the broadcasting committee (Shinyo Elementary School in Nagata Ward, Kobe)
The students of the Kondo Seminar
Learning from Each Other, Exploring the Potential of Local Media
Would you say that DRR information reaches everyone you target?
I believe our efforts are having a positive impact. When the media establishes close relations with information recipients, requests start coming in. At the marginal settlement in Fukui, residents have asked us about the kind of materials they should stockpile, which was prompted by the printed public announcements we issue. Based on that request, we published information and were later told that the details had improved from before. This is a media success story, a result that could occur because of the sense of joint cultivation.
What words of advice do you offer the students taking part in these projects?
In the seminars, I like to use the phrase "learning from each other." In Japanese, the portion expressing "each other" is pronounced "ai," a homophone for "love." Thus, the idea is that of mutual learning in a spirit of love.
The elderly residents share with us their wisdom about living in the local community, and in turn, learn from the ideas we offer. It is a process involving both give and take, as well as the returning of favors. Regarding those with intractable diseases, we started off in a position where, even if we knew the names of the diseases, we could not have told anything about them. Only after the patients explained things to us in detail were we able to begin thinking about appropriate DRR approaches. At that point, we were finally in a position to share information about aspects that we have greater knowledge, such as the existence of social welfare institution evacuation shelters and lists of people who require special assistance, or related governmental measures. This is the message I convey to seminar students: pay close attention to building relationships based on mutual learning.
What are your ambitions looking ahead?
I would like that the projects currently in progress to continue for at least 10 years. I would also like to focus on ways of promoting sustainable projects and maintaining results over the long-term, among other things. In that sense, March 2021 will mark 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and I am greatly interested to learn how everyone will regard that event once we pass the 10-year mark. I think it will also be a test of media efforts.
A quarter of a century has passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and I think that people's recollections are fading. With disasters occurring constantly, mass media coverage jumps from one disaster to the next. In the context of mass media behaving that way, I would like to consider what kind of efforts local media is able to make. Another thing I would like to pursue is the question of how to make archived information or big data useful.