2. 講演会・シンポジウム
  3. その他の講演・シンポジウム(2024年)
  4. 外国語による講演会(2024.6.10開催)


開催案内 外国語による講演会(2024.6.10開催)



日 時: 2024年6月10日(月)10:40~12:10

場 所: 関西大学千里山キャンパス 第4学舎3号館 4階 3402教室

講 演: "AI/ML Directed Polymer Synthesis and 3D Digital Manufacturing"
          Prof. Rigoberto Advincula
          Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and
          Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
          University of Tennessee

概 要:
Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in polymer materials have appended the ability
to rapidly
optimize synthetic routes and manufacturing. Using Bayesian and statistical methods
enables applying logic-derived design and regression analysis into an otherwise trial-and-error
approach in polymer synthesis, fabrication, and characterization. We demonstrate in this talk
the use of continuous flow reaction chemistry to enable unit operation optimization and the
possibility of autonomous design and synthesis with a hierarchical approach and learning.
There is a high possibility that a combination of P, V, T, and flow rate control enables new methods
of copolymerization and the ability to use kinetics as a handle for optimized macromolecular properties
and design for controlled yield. The automation for online monitoring is possible with improved
instrumentation and the development of a feedback loop learning for possible deep learning (DL)
development. Additive manufacturing (AM) is important in fabricating parts and objects with high
complexity and high performance. The use of nanocomposites enables highly improved properties.
With AI/ML, it is possible to optimize both the formulation and manufacturing methods.
We demonstrate in this talk that it is possible to use ML to boost the properties of nanocomposites
and piezoelectric materials relatively fast compared to conventional statistical and combinatorial
approaches. The next stop is autonomous systems.

関西大学 先端科学技術推進機構
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E-Mail: sentan@ml.kandai.jp