- 最新情報(2022年)
- 外国語による特別講演会(2022.12.6開催)
開催案内 外国語による特別講演会(2022.12.6開催)
日 時:2022年12月6日(火) 15:00~16:30
場 所:関西大学千里山キャンパス 学術フロンティア・コア 3階会議室
講 演:"Advances in Metal-Catalyzed Hydrophosphination"
Prof. Rory Waterman, University of Vermont, USA
講演内容: A family of earth abundant, highly active, and selective catalysts have been discovered and investigated with photolysis being a critical factor in activity. The arc of catalysis moves from zirconium to iron chemistry that informs most recent discoveries in simple copper catalysts that may be the most active known. For example, Cu(acac)2 is an active catalyst for the hydrophosphination of alkenes and alkynes with primary and secondary phosphines. At ambient temperature with irradiation centered at 365 nm, conversions with Cu(acac)2 are remarkable with some reactions complete in minutes. The photocatalysis is hypothesized to proceed by excitation to a low-lying orbital with M-P antibonding character, weaking that bond to avail faster insertion.
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