Next generation campus starting
at Kansai University.
Limitless possibilities.

Commencement of the Global Smart Campus concept…

Making the most of digital resources
to connect online

Creating an environment for
learning together
with anyone, anytime, anywhere

Internationalization of the regular curriculum through collaboration with overseas universities Global Classroomを持ちグローバル教育を進める海外大学(例:シン ガポール SP Jain School of Global Management, マレーシア University of Malaysia Pahang, 学校法人和信学園(和信サイバー大 学校))と科目を相互提供・共同履修を可能に

Borderless access to education

Educational content creation using state-of-the-art IT technology

Virtual but active and practical learning activities



Global Smart Classroom

Type1 and Type2

Face-to-face x online participation. Bringing people together for equal participation and opportunities

G.S.C. - Cubic(約10㎡)

Global Smart Classroom Teaching Cubic Space

Individual booths for instructors to deliver the highest quality classes to bring the best out of everybody.
Utilization of various tools to bring a sense of unity in the classes.


Self Learning Space

An educational environment where learners can participate remotely even when on campus.
The goal is to facilitate quality learning by eliminating disruptions and audio interruptions caused by Internet deficiencies.

State-of-the-art system for
next-generation learning

KU-GSC, テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。 a one-stop platform offering
learning opportunities to all KU students

Full remote support for instructors and students
Proprietary software applications
for real-touch learning

  • Custom room
    with a click

    One click to join the class
    Easy entry by simply pushing a button
    to open the door and enter the classroom

  • On-demand learning and
    reviewing classes also possible

    Videos of previous classes also available
    Choose your learning style
    according to your own pace

  • Remote access to

    Tests and assignments delivered remotely
    Instant access to information
    on class assignments

Powered by Smart Learning Platform テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。テキストが入ります。

Real-time communication using apps

Use of avatars to access virtual reality space
Smooth real-time communication as if it were face-to-face

Vs. Classroom Apps


Create a virtual-classroom identical to a real one.
Enter the room as an avatar to conduct lectures, seminars, and interviews.

Dedicated conversation app


VR reproduction Kansai University’s campus.
Have a more realistic conversation by
simply approaching the avatar when you want to speak.

KU-GSC Initiatives
Implemented Subjects (examples)

GSC Active Subjects

GSC International Collaboration Subjects

MR・VR Subjects

Coming Soon...


Check out the video for a better idea of the Global Smart Campus atmosphere.

Image movie of KU-DX

Interview with Vice President

Student Interview


Although it is difficult these days for students to travel abroad to study and travel to other countries due to the pandemic disaster, we want our students to be constantly aware of their need to learn about the world and to maintain their interest in the world. In March 2022, we have developed content that allows students to take a virtual tour of Kansai University's campus. We will continue to make it possible for students from all over the world and anywhere in Japan to visit and feel close to our university campus.

Through faculty-led study abroad programs, international educational experiences, and 360° global learning materials we make the world your new interactive classroom.​


Kansai University's Global Campus

We believe that DX in education means liberation from the constraints of the classroom. It will provide a place and opportunity for students with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds to learn together. Through creating an environment where students in faraway places can study at Kansai University, intercultural understanding becomes a reality in the class rather than just an ideal or a topic for study.

KU-DX aims to connect different campuses and conduct remote classes through a medium not dissimilar to face-to-face classes. The use of MR and VR will create a more conducive environment for conducting international exchange. Students will be able to see firsthand how people have a different understanding and interpretation of the same subject matter depending on where they come from.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to reconsider the status quo in education. One takeaway from this experience is that the future of education lies in the use of advanced distance learning technology. Through this, we are looking forward to making the COIL classes we were promoting before the pandemic even easier to conduct, and educationally more effective.