• H.O.M.E.について
  • 活動内容
  • 活動実績
  • アーカイブ
  • 運営組織
  • お問い合わせ

留学生が魅力を感じ、ここで住みたい・働きたいと思わせる地域ぐるみの交流事業 留学生の第二の故郷(ふるさと)プロジェクト



Activities already held ※クリックすると詳細をご覧いただけます


  • 第31回吹田産業フェア出展




    Mar. 10(Sat)・11(Sun),2014Thirty-first Suita Industrial Fair

    Thirty-first Suita Industrial Fair

    The H.O.M.E. program sponsored a booth again this year at the Suita May Theater as part of the festival held by corporations and the citizens of Suita City. The H.O.M.E. engaged in public relations work through having foreign students give presentations on their research topics and personal profiles. The foreign students were able to interact with many local companies and citizens. Professor Kurata Junichi of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science at Kansai University, gave a demonstration of an egg-shaped walking robot. The activities of Kansai University and Osaka University were impressive to the visitors.

  • セミナー「日本の社会福祉制度について」




    Jun 19(THr),2014

    Seminar on Japan’s Social Welfare System

    We invited a lecturer from the Suita Comprehensive Support Center to discuss the issue of social welfare. The lecture consisted of a comparison of the social welfare systems of Japan, Germany, and Korea. Twenty-two foreign students attended. Foreign students gave presentations on the social welfare systems of their own countries. Not only did the foreign students compare the various systems, but they discussed the differences in thinking toward social welfare and care for the elderly based on the different family systems and cultural backgrounds of each country, thereby deepening everyone’s understanding of the issues involved.

  • 多文化セミナー Part-3 中南米


    多文化セミナー Part-3 中南米


    Jun. 28(Sat)・29(Sun),2014

    Multicultural Seminars, Part 3: Central and South America

    This year six students, from Brazil, Panama, Columbia, Peru, Haiti, and Mexico, spent two days introducing Central and South America to local residents. After the foreign students spoke about their countries each day during the two-day seminar, the audience was divided into groups and spent time interacting in workshops, thereby bringing local residents and the foreign students closer together.
    Besides the six foreign student lecturers, six more foreign and Japanese students helped plan the event as volunteers. Fifty-five local residents participated over the two-day period.

  • 世界の童話・逸話広め隊 千里みらい夢学園にて発表会

    2014年7月 9日(水)

    世界の童話・逸話広め隊 千里みらい夢学園にて発表会

    定期的に留学生と日本人学生のメンバーが集まり、紙芝居の制作活動をおこなってきた「広め隊」が竹見台小・中学校 千里みらい夢学園に招かれ、中国民話 「嫦娥」(じょうが)の発表を行いました。

    Jul. 9(Wed),2014

    Presentation at Yume Gakuen, Senri Mirai by the Promotional Corps for the World’s Fairytales and Anecdotes

    A group of foreign and Japanese students who meet periodically to make paper-based picture-story shows of fairy tales and anecdotes in the Senri NT Plaza were invited by the Takemi Elementary and Middle School, Senri Mirai Gakuen, where they performed the Chinese folktale, Chang’e, Goddess of the Moon.
    At Senri Mirai Gakuen, there are a variety of exchanges with local citizens and help after class for Takemi Elementary and Middle School children and students who have parents with roots in foreign countries. The Corps introduced Chinese culture to the parents and their children through the picture-story show of Chang’e and lectured on simple Chinese conversation, thereby deepening communication.

  • ヨット体験&BBQ




    Jul. 20(Sat),2014

    Yacht Sailing and Barbecue

    With the cooperation of student volunteers and members of the Kansai University yacht club, foreign students from Kansai University and Osaka University interacted through learning the basics of sailing and yachting. This was also a very popular activity last year. In particular, the foreign students and Japanese students were able to converse in English in a relaxed atmosphere around the table in the clubhouse meeting room. Participants had a good time talking and rediscovering Japan’s attractions from the perspective of sports events.

  • 地域文化交流セミナー「エジプト料理とベリーダンスの夕べ」




    Jul. 26(Sat),2014

    Regional Cultural Exchange Seminar: “A Night of Egyptian Food and Belly Dancing”

    For this seminar we invite residents who have been active in the vicinity to introduce their areas of expertise to the foreign students; we also provide a venue for interaction between the local general public and foreign students. This year the topic was not limited to traditional Japanese culture; the first seminar was by an Egyptian resident living in the area (and local residents who have been involved in the exchange activities), who taught how to make Egyptian food. After the cooking lesson, everyone listened to an Egyptian music group active locally and watched a belly dance team performance as they tried the food and talked with each other. Many local residents attended (there were 76 participants). Lively exchanges occurred naturally between them and the foreign students through experiencing Egyptian food and culture.

  • 公益財団法人日本国際教育支援協会留学生文化理解促進のためのスタディ・ツアー事業



    関西大学・大阪大学の留学生・日本人学生、地域住民の方が参加して環境問題と街づくりをテーマに、今年度は、「ダスキン大阪中央工場」で排水浄化のセミナーと排水浄化処理施設を見学したあと、日本の伝統的な生活様式を学ぶために「浜屋敷」 を訪れ、日本の庄屋の伝統建築文化を学び、茶道体験をしました。次に訪れた「日本民家集落博物館」 では、日本各地から移設された江戸時代の民家や関連する民具・生活用品等を見て学ぶことができ留学生達は興味深く見学していました。ツアーの最後は、「吹田市立市民公益活動センター」及び「公益財団法人 吹田市国際交流協会」にお邪魔し、NPO・ NGOや地域の草の根交流団体による街づくりボランティア活動について学習しました。

    Sep. 18(Thr),2014

    Study Tour Project for Promoting Cultural Understanding by Foreign Students Sponsored by the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Japan Educational Exchanges and Services

    Japanese and foreign students from Kansai University and Osaka University as well as local residents, participated in the tour. The theme of the tour was environmental problems and community development. This year everyone toured the Duskin Osaka Central Factory for a seminar on water purification and to observe the water purification facilities. Afterwards, they visited the Suita History and Cultural Center, Hamayashiki, to learn about traditional Japanese lifestyles, including the traditional architectural culture of Tokugawa period village headmen and the tea ceremony. Next they visited the Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses (Nihon Minka Shūraku Hakubutsukan), where they saw traditional Tokugawa period farm houses that have been relocated to the museum site from all over Japan. Foreign students were also interested in seeing the traditional tools and articles used in daily life. At the end of the tour, they visited the Suita City NPO Center and NPO Suita International Friendship Association, where they learned about NPOs, NGOs, and local grassroots groups involved in volunteer community building activities.

  • 地域文化交流セミナー「歌舞伎」




    Oct. 12(Sun),2014

    Regional Cultural Exchange Seminar: Kabuki

    We asked the NPO Dairaku Shōraku “Miotsukushi Kabuki” group to perform kabuki for everyone in order to learn about Japanese traditional culture. It was the first time for most of the foreign students to see kabuki. By having the opportunity to learn directly from the performers about kabuki in a familiar locale, the foreign students deepened their interest in Japan. Many local residents also participated; a total of 160 people watched the kabuki performance.

  • 2014国際交流フェスティバル「千里万国博覧会」




    Oct. 26(Sun),2014

    2014 International Exchange Festival, “Senri World Expo”

    This year we again held a very international festival, with ten stages shows, including musical performances and dances, which demonstrated the traditional cultures of different countries. Food from a variety of countries was sold, and local citizens introduced Japanese culture to the foreign students, who in turn explained the cultures and games of their own countries. Everyone could also experience wearing ethnic clothing. Teams of two foreign students and two Japanese students planned and ran the activities. Groups of foreign and Japanese students in charge of each booth cooperated in the innovative planning. Everyone enjoyed the intercultural exchange between visitors, booths, and exhibitors.

  • 外国人留学生のための就職支援オープン講座




    Dec. 7(Fri)・14(Fri)・Nov. 5(Fri)・12(fri),2014

    Career Counseling for Foreign Students

    In cooperation with the foreign human resources system (foreign student support workshop), we held an open lecture on employment assistance geared toward foreign students. There were four sessions: “Understanding the Recruitment Process,” “Filling in Applications,” “Learning Business Japanese,” and “Interview Strategies.” After each session, individualized counseling was provided for those interested.

  • 留学生防災セミナー




    Nov. 25(Tue),2014

    Disaster Prevention Seminar for Foreign Students

    We invited two lecturers from the Suita City Hall Disaster Management office in the General Affairs Department to give a seminar to foreign students on disaster prevention and management. Sixteen foreign students attended. They learned the importance of everyday disaster prevention measures by watching a simulation of the results of a magnitude 6 to 7 earthquake. The simulation compared the extent of damage caused when disaster prevention measures were taken and when they were not based on the experiences of the Great East Japan and Great Hanshin Earthquakes. The seminar also provided opportunity for foreign students to learn how to protect themselves in emergencies, what measures to take for safety confirmation during disasters, and other issues important for foreign students living in Japan. The foreign students also discussed disasters and disaster prevention measures in their own countries.

  • 外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会in関西大




    Nov. 27(Thr),2014

    Joint Corporate Orientation at Kandai University for Foreign Students in Japan

    An orientation was held at Kansai University’s Senriyama Campus with the cooperation of the Local SME Personnel Recruitment and Retention Support Project for foreign personnel and Osaka Promotion Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (project for revitalizing local communities). About 15 companies were invited. There was also a booth that day where students could receive advice and career counseling on residence status by a notary public.

  • 地域文化交流セミナー「お正月料理体験とくわい収穫体験」




    Dec. 14(Sun),2014

    Regional Cultural Exchange Seminar: Experiencing New Year’s Food and Harvesting Arrowhead

    We invited a chef who is also active in food education at a local elementary school to teach about New Year’s food through a lecture and cooking lesson. We were also able to participate in the harvesting of Suita arrowroot, a traditional vegetable from the Suita area, an experience that foreign students appraised highly. A volunteer group of local mothers also helped with the cooking lesson, making this a good opportunity for deepening mutual understanding.

  • 地域文化交流セミナー「環境問題」




    Jun. 13(Tue),2015

    Regional Cultural Exchange Seminar: Environmental Issues

    We invited a city researcher from a local recycle group to learn about environmental issues. The twenty foreign students who participated learned about good living environments through “eco games” in which everyone participated. The foreign students also explained environmental initiatives in their home countries. Learning about activities in our own city of Suita helped students to feel like they are part of the community.

  • 第2回北摂国際文化交流フォーラム

    2015年2月8日 (日)



    Feb. 8(Sun),2015

    Second Hokusetsu International Cultural Exchange Forum

    As last year, we cosponsored a festival with the folks at the Osaka Senior Citizens’ College to introduce Japanese culture to foreign students and provide a venue for interaction between them and local citizens. Besides foreign students from Kansai University and Osaka University, about forty foreign students from eighteen countries participated. Everyone enjoyed trying calligraphy, traditional Japanese games, and making and eating chirashizushi and takoyaki. There was a presentation by a Belgian student about Belgium. It was an enjoyable day of intercultural exchange.

  • ホームビジット




    Feb. 11(Web),2015

    Home Visits

    Through the cooperation of volunteer families registered with the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Suita City International Exchange Association, students again were able to visit the homes of Japanese families this year. For the seventeen students who participated, this was an invaluable experience. Many expressed gratitude to their host families and said they would like to participate next year as well.



  • 「千里エリアを知ろう」第2弾千里ニュータウンの歴史




    Apr. 13(Sat),2013

    Chapter Two of “Know the Senri Area”: The History of Senri New Town

    Twelve foreign students and two student volunteers went to the Senri New Town area. In the morning, they learned the importance of recycling, and by using the pulp extracted from milk cartons, the students made paper postcards in Kurukuru Plaza. Later they went to observe the process whereby paper waste is shredded and sorted for processing. In the afternoon, the students went to the pavilions in Expo Park to trace the history of Senri New Town, and strolled through the New Senri Higashimachi area. At the end of the time, the students participated in a get-together with local residents, who had been gathered through oral invitations from individuals who had collaborated with the event.

  • 地域文化交流セミナー第1回「吹田の歴史」




    Apr. 25(Thr),2013

    Seminar on Regional Cultural Exchange: First Seminar on Suita History

    We invited the assistant curator of the Suita City Museum to come give a talk on the history of Suita City. The eight foreign students who participated said that the talk provided a good opportunity to learn about Suita.

  • 関関戦野球観戦




    May. 10(Fri),2013

    Baseball Game between Kansai University and Kwansei University

    The Kansai Students Baseball League spring game between Kansai University and Kwansei University was held in Koshien Baseball Stadium. Students went to the game to cheer on the teams. Foreign students from countries unfamiliar with baseball were taught the rules of the game. Seven foreign students from Osaka University as well as many foreign and Japanese students from Kansai University participated, thus engaging in interaction through sports.

  • 吹田産業フェア



    吹田市の企業と吹田市民が交流するお祭りイベントで、今回は、第30回目の節目として、女性宇宙飛行士の山崎直子さんの講演会なども実施されました。H.O.M.E.事業として、メイシアター内1階に2ブースを出展し、事業の活動報告、留学生の研究内容やプロフィールを展示しました。また、事業に関するクイズを出して、全問正解者には、エジプト人留学生がパピルス模様の色紙に正解者の氏名をアラビア文字で記入してプレゼントしました。 地域の企業・住民の方々との交流を深めることができ、大変好評でした。

    May. 11(Sat)・12(sun),2013/p>

    Suita Industrial Fair

    The Japanese woman astronaut Yamazaki Naoko was invited to give a speech at the watershed thirtieth exchange between the companies and citizens of Suita City. The H.O.M.E. program sponsored two booths on the first floor of the May Theater, where they reported on the program’s activities and foreign student research, and exhibited student profiles. A quiz was also held about the project. Respondents who answered all questions correctly were awarded colored paper with a papyrus design on which an Egyptian student wrote the respondent’s name in Arabic. The event was a great success, and interaction between regional companies and local residents was enhanced.

  • 世界の童話・逸話広め隊




    May. 18(Sat),2013

    Promotional Corps for the World’s Fairytales and Anecdotes

    A group of foreign and Japanese students, acting as a promotional corps, meet once a month in the Minami Senri district community center in the Senri NT Plaza in front of Senri Station, where they make paper-based picture-story shows of fairytales and anecdotes from the foreign students’ countries and regions. The completed picture-story shows were then reedited with PowerPoint into IT picture-story shows and were presented at kindergartens, schools, libraries, and other public facilities with the aim of promoting exchange with local residents.

  • 株式会社CORE&株式会社ジャパンホリデートラベル会社訪問




    May. 22(Wed),2013

    Visits to CORE, Ltd. and Japan Holiday Travel, Ltd.

    Twelve foreign students participated in the visit to the global company, Japan Holiday Travel, Ltd. After hearing explanations about the company and its business, students went to observe the company. Later, the students went to CORE, Ltd., where they listened to a seminar by the executive director entitled “The Current Status of Job-Hunting in Japan and Tips.”

  • 地域文化交流セミナー第2回「環境問題」





    Seminar on Regional Cultural Exchange: Second Seminar on Environmental Problems

    We invited three city scholars from the Senri Recycle Plaza Research Center to explain how daily activities impact the earth. Seven exchange students increased their knowledge of environmental problems by thinking about themes proposed by the research center members through “eco games.”

  • 関関戦サッカー観戦



    サッカーの関西学院大学VS.関西大学戦(6月9日(日)於: キンチョースタジアム)の応援・観戦に行ってきました。観戦前には、サッカークラブのメンバーによりサッカーのルール説明・関関戦の見どころの説明などのミニ講座を実施しました。昼食をとりながらサッカークラブのメンバーや日本人学生と各国毎の中学・高校教育までの、スポーツ教育の紹介などを通して交流を行いました。国やその地方・学校により各種のスポーツのルール・実技などを教えるところがあったり、ほとんどスポーツ教育の無いところまで様々なようです。大学でのこのミニ講座の後、電車で長居のキンチョースタジアムへ移動し、サッカーの応援・観戦をしました。試合は、関西大学が前半戦2点を先取し、後半戦で関西学院大学が2点を入れ、結局引き分けで終了しましたが、激闘試合であったため大変盛り上がりました。

    Jun. 9(Sun),2013

    Soccer Game between Kansai University and Kwansei University

    Students went to Kincho Stadium in Nagai Park on June 9 (Sunday) to watch and cheer on soccer players in the game between Kansai University and Kwansei University. Before the game, the soccer club members gave a mini-lecture and explanations of the rules of soccer and highlights in the “Kan-Kan” soccer games. During lunch, members of the soccer club and Japanese university students exchanged information with foreign students on sports education in junior high and high school curricula in each country. Sports rules and training were found to differ by country, region, and school; there are some places where there is almost no sports education at all. After this mini-lecture at the university, the group went by train to Kincho Stadium in Nagai Park to watch and root for the soccer teams. Kansai University scored two points during the first half, while Kwansei scored two the second half, ending the game in a tie. It was a very exciting game, and everyone enjoyed it.

  • 第1回ホームビジット



    公益財団法人 吹田市国際交流協会登録のボランティア家庭の皆様のご協力により、留学生の受け入れが実現しました。参加した12名は本年度入学の留学生で実施後のアンケートでは、ホームビジットが貴重な経験となり、今後もホストと交流を続けたい、次回も参加したいなど、地域住民の方々との心温まる交流ができました。

    Jun. 22(Sat),2013

    First Home Visit

    Through cooperation with families registered as volunteers with the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Suita City International Exchange Association, foreign students were taken into the volunteers’ homes. On the questionnaires filled out by the twelve student participants, who entered Kansai University this year, they indicated that the home visits had proven an invaluable experience, they would like to continue interacting with their host families in the future, and would like to participate again next time. The home visit enabled students to develop a warm relationship with local residents.

  • 多文化セミナー東アジア・東南アジア




    Jun. 22(Sat)・23(Sun),2013

    Multicultural Seminars: East Asia and Southeast Asia

    Foreign and Japanese students from Kansai University and Osaka University planned and ran the seminar, in which eight students from East and Southeast Asia (Shandong Province, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia) became lecturers and introduced the cultures of their countries to local residents over a span of two days. Twenty-two people gathered for the East Asia session and forty-five for the Southeast Asia session.

  • 「千里エリアを知ろう」第3弾山田の歴史と文化




    Jun. 29(Sat),2013

    Chapter Three of “Know the Senri Area”: The History and Culture of Yamada

    Five foreign students and one student volunteer participated in a walking tour of Yamada old town under the direction of a Suita City guide. Afterwards, the group moved to Expo Park, where they enjoyed seeing the hydrangeas that were in full bloom. It was fine weather in spite of it being the rainy season, and everyone did a lot of walking the entire day.

  • 地域文化交流セミナー第3回「茶道-基礎編-」




    Jul. 13(Sat),2013

    Seminar on Regional Cultural Exchange: The Third “Basics in Tea Ceremony”

    We invited three teachers of tea ceremony and three of their students who run a children’s tea ceremony class to the nationally designated Important Cultural Property, Old Nishio Residence in Suita. Ten foreign students learned the basics of tea ceremony at the event, providing a good opportunity for local residents and foreign students to communicate through tea.

  • ヨット体験&BBQ




    Jul. 28(Sun),2013

    Yacht Sailing and Barbecue

    With the cooperation of student volunteers from the Kansai University yacht club, foreign students from Kansai University and Osaka University got together in the clubhouse meeting room and formed groups to converse in their common language, English, in order to learn the basics of sailing. The students were able to build good rapport with each other through sports by experiencing yacht sailing.

  • 国際交流フェスティバル「千里万国博覧会(せんぱく)」




    Oct. 20(Sun),2013

    International Exchange Festival, “Senri World Expo (Senpaku)”

    Five foreign and Japanese students from Kansai University and Osaka University and one local resident served as core volunteers in the planning and implementation of the festival. The international festival entailed introduction of the traditional cultures of a variety of countries, sale of the food of each country, world games, and dressing in ethnic attire as a way to help visitors experience the rest of the world right here in Suita.

  • 地域文化交流セミナー第4回「茶道-応用編-&吹田散策」




    Oct. 27(Sun),2013

    Seminar on Regional Cultural Exchange: The Fourth Tea Ceremony Practice and Walking Tour of Suita

    Having received an invitation from the teacher of basic lessons for the July tea ceremony class, we participated in the annual Suita “Grand Autumn Tea Ceremony.” Four foreign students had the opportunity to experience the formalities of the tea ceremony. They were nervous in the formal atmosphere, but each enjoyed the tea ceremony. Afterwards, a Suita city guide took the students for a walking tour to the old section of town.

  • キャリアカウンセリング




    Oct. 30(Wed),2013

    Career Counseling

    Employment consultations were conducted specifically for foreign students in conjunction with open seminars and individual advice. Sixteen students participated in the program, which went beyond typical career support by providing advice on the proper course for foreign students, changing from student to work visas, application documents, and other consultations that covered a wide range of topics.

  • 第2回ホームビジット



    6月に引き続き、今回は主に9月入学の留学生を対象に、公益財団法人 吹田市国際交流協会登録のボランティア家庭へホームビジットを実施しました。留学生活の貴重な経験となり、今後もホストと交流したい、次回の同様のプログラムに参加したいなど積極的な意見が多く出てきました。

    Nov. 9(Sat),2013

    Second Home Visit

    This first home visits were in June. This time they were mainly made by students who entered the university in September. Students visited the homes of volunteers registered with the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Suita City International Exchange Association. The visits provided an invaluable experience for the foreign students, many of whom voiced enthusiasm about future exchanges with their host families or the desire to participate in similar programs next time.

  • 千里市民フォーラム主催「千里キャンドルロード」




    Nov. 9(Sat),2013

    “Senri Candle Road” Sponsored by Senri Citizens’ Forum

    Foreign and Japanese students form Kansai University participated in the illumination art activity, “Senri Candle Road,” as volunteers on the day of the event. Students cooperated with other volunteers by putting sand and candles in paper cups, and placing them on the road. Participants lit the 90,000 candles at dusk. The glow of candlelight stood out against the darkening sky, creating a fairyland-like scene.

  • 環境問題と街づくりスタディ・ツアー


    公益財団法人日本国際教育支援協会留学生文化理解促進のためのスタディ・ツアー事業 環境問題と街づくりスタディ・ツアー


    Nov. 16(Sat),2013

    Study Tour Project for Promoting Cultural Understanding by Foreign Students Sponsored by the Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Japan Educational Exchanges and Services: Study Tour of Environmental Problems and Urban Development

    Japanese and foreign students from Kansai University and Osaka University, as well as local Japanese and foreign residents participated in the tour. The theme of the tour was environmental problems and community development; participants observed the “Kurukuru Plaza” Suita Resource Recycling Center and views of the Osaka waterfront from an amphibious vehicle.

  • 外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会




    Nov. 28(Thr),2013

    Joint Corporate Orientation for Foreign Students in Japan

    The orientation was held at Kansai University’s Senriyama Campus with the cooperation of the National Federation of Small Business Associations and the Local SME Personnel Recruitment and Retention Support Project for foreign personnel. Thirty-nine students from Kansai University and one from Osaka University participated.

  • キャリアカウンセリング




    Nov. 28(Thr),2013

    Career Counseling

    On the same day that a joint corporate orientation for foreign students in Japan was held, customized counseling sessions requiring advance appointments were also conducted for each student. The counseling sessions were so well received that the twenty minutes allotted to each student were exceeded.

  • 多文化セミナー中央・南アジア・西アジア




    Nov. 30(Sat)・Dec. 1(Sun),2013

    Multicultural Seminars: Central, South, and West Asia

    The second seminar (Part 2) was held, following the one in June. Foreign students and Japanese students from Kansai University and Osaka University planned and ran the seminar in which eight students from Central, South, and West Asia (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, and Uzbekistan) became lecturers and introduced the cultures of their countries to local residents over a span of two days.

  • FM千里ラジオ番組出演




    Jan. 8(Wed) - Mar. 26(Wed),2014

    Appearance on the FM Senri Radio Program

    Foreign students and Japanese students who have been active as volunteers and lecturers in the H.O.M.E. program appeared on the local FM Senri community radio station from January through March (12 times). They talked about the various events they had participated in, or about Japan and their own countries; each time they spoke on a wide variety of topics, thereby broadcasting the activities of the H.O.M.E. Exchange Program.

  • 第1回北摂国際文化交流フォーラム




    Feb. 15(Sat),2014

    First Hokusetsu International Cultural Exchange Forum

    We cosponsored a festival with the folks at the Osaka Senior Citizens’ College to introduce Japanese culture to foreign students and provide a venue for interaction between the students and local citizens. Foreign students were able to try on kimono, do traditional Japanese games, and make omochi. Everyone had a good time interacting, regardless of nationality or age. Also, as always, the Promotional Corps for the World’s Fairytales and Anecdotes put on a paper-based picture-story performance.

  • H.O.M.E.スタディ・ツアー「吹田の歴史と世界に広がる街づくりを学ぶ」




    Feb. 20(Thr),2014

    H.O.M.E. Study Tour: Learning about the History of Suita and Creating a Community that Reaches Out to the World

    We held a study tour to learn about the town we live in, Suita. Twelve foreign students from Kansai University and Osaka University participated. In the morning the students heard an explanation at the Suita City Museum about Suita’s local history from ancient times to the present from the curator. After having lunch at the 1970 Expo site, they went to the National Museum of Ethnology. At the end of the tour, they visited the Suita City NPO Center and NPO Suita International Friendship Association to ask local volunteers about the activities regularly held there.

  • 世界の童話・逸話広め隊 千里図書館にて発表会

    2014年3月 12日(水)

    世界の童話・逸話広め隊 千里図書館にて発表会

    「広め隊」のメンバーが、地元の子どもたちを対象に、阪急南千駅前の千里図書館で、自分達で作成した紙芝居の発表を行いました。発表した作品は、中国民話 「嫦娥」(じょうが)です。その後中国文化の紹介や簡単な中国語会話の練習、日本の童話「ぐりとぐら」の中国語版「古利 和 古拉」の読み聞かせ等を行ない、留学生と子ども達は楽しく交流しました。

    Mar. 12(Wed),2013

    Promotional Corps for the World’s Fairytales and Anecdotes: Performance at the Senri Library

    Members of the promotional corps created a paper-based picture-story that they performed at the Senri Library in front of the Hankyu Minami Senri Station for local children. The story was the Chinese folk tale, Chang’e, Goddess of the Moon. Afterwards, the Corps introduced aspects of Chinese culture and practiced simple Chinese conversation. They also read the Chinese version of the Japanese children’s story, Guri to Gura (Guli he Gula in Chinese). The foreign students and children had a great time together.



  • 千里ニュータウンまちびらき50年「千里50年まつり」



    関西大学・大阪大学の日本人学生および留学生ボランティア35名が参加「International Café」を出店しました。海外のお菓子や飲み物を販売し、地域の人たちとのふれあいを楽しみ、和気あいあいの雰囲気でCaféを運営していました。

    Oct. 20(Sat)・21(Sun),2012

    The Senri Fiftieth Year Festival, as part of the fiftieth-year celebration of the opening of Senri New Town

    Sponsored an International Café in which thirty-five Japanese and foreign student volunteers from Kansai University and Osaka University participated. The café sold foreign sweets and drinks and provided a venue where local residents could enjoy interacting in a relaxed atmosphere.

  • 千里ニュータウンまちびらき50年「千里キャンドルロード」




    Nov. 10(Sun),2012

    Senri Candle Road, as part of the fiftieth-year celebration of the opening of Senri New Town

    We completed a spectacular candle road comprised of 90,000 candles—the same number as the population of Senri New Town—in Minami Senri Park, which is near the Kansai and Osaka University dormitories.
    Foreign students volunteered in the preparation of the large number of candles.

  • 千里ニュータウンまちびらき50年 「明日へ続く市民まちづくりフォーラム」


    千里ニュータウンまちびらき50年 「明日へ続く市民まちづくりフォーラム」


    Nov. 25(Sun),2012

    Forum for Building a Citizens’ Town of the Future, as part of the fiftieth-year celebration of the opening of Senri New Town

    Professor Ikeda form Kansai University and Professor Kondō from Osaka University introduced the H.O.M.E. project using the theme, “Advancing New Town through the H.O.M.E. Consortium: The Next Fifty Years.”

  • 運営委員会・ワーキンググループ第1回合同会議




    Dec. 3(Mon),2012

    First joint meeting of the steering committee

    This was the first joint meeting of the consortium held since inauguration of H.O.M.E. After self-introductions, the H.O.M.E. concept and schedule were discussed to build even stronger cooperative ties for planning and implementing a variety of activities.

  • 服部緑地・日本民家集落博物館・お正月特別企画




    Jan. 13(Sun),2013

    New-Year’s special event: Visit to Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses

    This museum displays 11 typical old Japanese farm-houses built in the 17th to 19th centuries brought from every corner of Japan. As a New-Year's special event, “Ozoni,” New Years miso soup was served in one of those old houses, a farm house built in “gasshozukuri” style of architecture, unique construction style to Shirakawa-village of Gifu-prefecture, Japan’s snowiest country where old houses of this style designated as the World Heritage are restored. Students studied much about the accumulated wisdom of ancient life, and enjoyed special “Ozoni” with “mochi,” Japanese rice cake or dumpling but not made from rice but“ tochi-no-mi,” nuts of Aesculus turbinate, and they enjoyed cultural exchanges with local people around Japanese old-style hearth.

  • 「千里エリアを知ろう」第1弾吹田の歴史と文化




    Feb. 15(Fri),2013

    Discovery of SENRI “Culture and history of Suita City”

    Seventeen international students from Kansai University and Osaka University, etc. and four people from the public took part in the activity. We walked by Suita old town and visited various old buildings with guides of Suita Machiannainin and sampled fresh beers after learned about the brewing process of beer at Asahi Brewery. Through the activity, international students could have a great opportunity to interact with people from the public and international students from other universities. It was a rainy day, but many participants come to the activity, it was greatly appreciated.

  • 千里市民フォーラム 大フォーラム


    千里市民フォーラム 大フォーラム


    Mar. 10(Sun),2013

    Senri Citizens’ Forum: General Forum

    “Senri Citizens’ Forum” is made up of a group of individuals with profound interest in and fondness for Senri New Town. The Forum is a non-governmental platform organization linking NPOs, NGOs, and grassroots cultural groups engaged in the community development of Senri. As a member of this organization, H.O.M.E. appealed to groups at the General Forum that can cooperate and collaborate through monthly meetings and presentations of planned activities for the following year. H.O.M.E. was able to gain the collaboration and cooperation of many of these groups when it sponsored the 2013 international exchange festival, Senpaku, with the aim of developing concrete intercultural activities with local residents and NPO/NGO bodies.
