

Japan's Economic Relations with Africa in a Historical Perspective 
A Study of the Pre-War Japanese Consular Reports

※丸善雄松堂「Maruzen eBook Library」と紀伊國屋「KinoDen」は機関向けです。

電子書籍 丸善 Knowledge Worker
電子書籍 紀伊國屋 KinoDen
Katsuhiko Kitagawa 著
判 型 A5判
ページ 160頁
定 価 2,420(本体2,200円+税)
ISBN 978-4-87354-712-1
分類コード C3030
刊行年月 2020年02月


It considers Pre-war Imperial Japan’s economic diplomacy to Colonial Africa from the victory of Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars to the Eve of defeat in Asia-Pacific War and gives a view on the position of Independent Africa in the Post- war Japan’s International Relations. It argues that the history of Japan-Africa relations was part of Japanese history and part of African history as well and the Study of both history will extend our understanding of the World history as related with each other and simultaneously progressing in parallel.

目 次
List of Map,Figure and Tables/Acknowledgements/List of Original Articles/Author Profile

1 Introduction
2 Japanese Consular Reports and Commercial Information of Africa
3 Japan’s Economic Relations With Africa Between the Wars:An Overview
4 Japan’s Trade with South Africa
5 Pre-War Japan and South Africa
6 Japan’s Trade with East Africa
7 Japan’s Trade with West Africa
8 Japan’s Trade with Central Africa
9 Post-War Japan and New Independent Africa in the Late 1950s and the Early 1960s
10 Conclusion:Retrospectives on and Prospects for Japanese Policy on Africa
