HSU KUANG-CH'I AND ASTRONOMICAL REFORM The Process of the Chinese Acceptance of Western Astronomy 1629-1635
橋本 敬造 著
判 型 | A5判上製 |
ページ | 246頁 |
定 価 | 8,250円(本体7,500円+税) |
ISBN | 4-87354-098-4 |
分類コード | C3044 |
刊行年月 | 1988年03月 |
- 目 次
1 Hsu Kuang-Ch’i: The Organizer of the Astronomical Reform
2 The Meaning of the Tychonic World System
3 The Introduction of the Galilean Invention and Keplerian Optics
4 Astronomical Instruments and Observations