A Book of Ancrene Wisse
和田 葉子 編著
判 型 | A5判 |
ページ | 118頁 |
定 価 | 2,200円(本体2,000円+税) |
ISBN | 4-87354-359-2 |
分類コード | C3097 |
刊行年月 | 2002年03月 |
- 目 次
- Celtic Loanwords in the AB Dialect
Some Notes on Words Derived from Old Norse in Ancrene Wisse and the‘Katherine Group’
Voices in Ancrene Wisse: The Rule as an Interactive Text
Morphological Variation in the AB Language and its Implications
A Saner,Kinder Nero?
Dominican Authorship of Ancrene Wisse: the Evidence of the Introduction