NEW LEARNING CHALLENGES Going beyond the Industrial Age System of School and Work
山住 勝広 ユーリア・エンゲストローム ハリー・ダニエルズ 編著
判 型 | A5判上製 |
ページ | 292頁 |
定 価 | 3,630円(本体3,300円+税) |
ISBN | 4-87354-420-3 |
分類コード | C3037 |
刊行年月 | 2005年09月 |
- 目 次
- 1 School as Collaborative Change Agent
2 Expansive Learning as Collaborative Concept Formation at Work
3 Studying Professional Learning for Inclusion
4 Toward Dialogic Practice through Mediated Activity: Theoretical Foundation for Constructing Learning Community
5 The Design Study as a New Culture of the Lesson Study
6 Cultural-historical and Discursive Tools for Analyzing Critical Conflicts in Students’ Development
7 A Chinese Perspective on Cultural-historical Activity Theory
8 An Approach from Discourse to Activity9 Do Nexuses Bring Tolerance for Diversity?: Tolerance as a Result of Social Development in School