“Discovering Europe; An Informative Seminar (Belgium)"

NEWS EVENT2023/10/11

On October 4th, “Discovering Europe; An Informative Seminar (Belgium ver.)” was held in a hybrid format with in-person and online.

This time, Dr. Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Professor, Japanese studies, KU Leuven / Professor Faculty of Law, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo, gave a talk on the theme that “Why people do and do not follow regulations - policy comparison between Belgium and Japan during the pandemic as a clue.” 

He spoke about the legal societies of the two countries, citing as examples the differences between Belgian and Japanese policies for regulating the behavior of their citizens during the pandemic.

He also introduced the study abroad situation in Belgium and the KU Leuven, and told the students how interesting it is to study abroad.

After the seminar, a lively Q&A session was held, which proved to be a valuable time for the participants.







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