Teacher Introduction

Professor Katsuyuki Kamei
Specialized fields / Subject
Business Administration, Risk Management
Mail address: kamei
Website: https://www2.itc.kansai-u.ac.jp/~kamei/
KANDAI SENSEI CHANNEL: https://www.sensei-ch.rd.kansai-u.ac.jp/movies/285/
Expert’s Eyes
I am studying about risk management from the view point of business administration.
One type of risk is known as "pure risk", such as accidents and disasters, whereas the other type is known as "risk to be taken" and is also called speculative risk. This risk is the uncertainty when developing a business strategy, i.e., whether it will succeed or fail. All of us live by taking risks (challenging new things by taking risks) while concurrently controlling such risks (preparing for risks of accidents and disasters). Based on this idea, I have been studying risk management in various settings such as in large companies, small and medium-sized companies, local communities, schools, events, and sports.
In doing research, there are two approaches: One is the approach by science, reasoning, and explicit knowledge, and the other is the approach by art, sensibility, and tacit knowledge. In crisis and risk management, I think that the latter approach is essential.
Remarkable File
・Studied risk management in various fields and published many books.
Corporate risk management => "Risk management in terms of determination" (Minerva Shobo, 2017), "Risk management and leadership" (DOBUNKAN SHUPPAN.CO., LTD., 2013), Life risk management => "Designing life risk management" (Horitsu Bunka Sha, 2018), Sports => "Citizens' marathon changed sports culture" (Kansai University Press, 2017), Child safety => "Child safety and risk communication" (Kansai University Press, 2014), Wine => "Wine Wars, Mondavi affair" (Kansai University Press, 2009)
・Working internationally.
Has seven refereed articles that were published in Western journals. Seven researchers were invited from foreign countries. Hosted the following symposiums: "Franco-Japanese Symposium on SME succession" (2011), "New Risks and SMEs" (2013 Japanese-French Symposium), "Health and Risk Management of SMEs and Long-Established Management" (2014 international symposium), etc. Guide-interpreter (English, French).
Published "New-version Management strategy and risk management in French companies" (Horitsu Bunka Sha), and in 2002, obtained a doctorate (commercial science) from Osaka City University, received the Japan Risk Management Society Award, and received the Maison Franco-Japonaise 19th Shibusawa Claudel Prize "Louis Vuitton Japan Special Prize" (Tokyo-Paris round-trip airline ticket, expenses necessary for a one-month stay in France).
・Studying abroad
Went abroad to study at Universite Paul Cezanne, Aix-Marseille III (business administration school) as a French government-sponsored international student in 1997-1998, and obtained a degree in Business Administration DEA.
Received the Asahi Shimbun 25th Concours de Francais "Kobayashi Tadashi Prize" (Tokyo Paris round-trip airline ticket) in 1985.
Contributed to winning the Takatsuki City West area Softball League Championship as a regular player in 2012 and 2013. Thereafter, changed to running marathons, and is training with the lifetime goal of completely running in the six marathon events of Abbott World Marathon Majors and through the 47 prefectures.
Brief Personal History
Apr. 1985:
Osaka Prefectural Shibutani High School English teacher (until Mar. 1989)
Apr. 1989:
Osaka Prefectural Settsu High School English teacher (until Mar. 1994)
Mar. 1990:
Completed the Master’s Course in French Language, Osaka University of Foreign Studies Graduate School of Foreign Language (Master of Arts)
Mar. 1992:
Completed the doctoral program without a doctoral degree of doctoral program in Commerce, Graduate School of Commerce, Kansai University
Apr. 1994:
Full-time lecturer of the Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
Apr. 1997:
Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
Sep. 1997:
Entered IAE (Business Management Institute) DEA course as a French Government Scholarship Student of the University of Aix-Marseille
Dec. 1998:
Received DEA (Business Administration) from University of Aix-Marseille (Paul Cezanne University)
Sep. 2002:
Received Ph.D. (Commerce) from Osaka City University Graduate School
Apr. 2004:
Professor of the Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University
Apr. 2010:
Professor of the Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences, Kansai University