


日時: 2020年2月26日(水)17:00~18:30

場所: 関西大学千里山キャンパス
    ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構6階 マルチメディア・ラボ

報告者: 澤田 有希子 (龍谷大学経済学部 講師)

タイトル: "Deep Regional Trade Agreements and Cross-border Technology Transfer: Theory and Evidence"


 In this study, we examine whether deep regional trade agreements (RTAs) facilitate cross-border technology transfer. As a mode of technology transfer, we focus on licensing. We first derive a micro-founded structural gravity equation for cross-border licensing from a model in which heterogeneous firms choose to supply their goods to foreign markets by exports, foreign direct investment, or licensing. We show several comparative statics results regarding the effects of changes in fixed costs of serving the destination country, the freeness of trade, and the strength of intellectual property right (IPR) protection on exports of licensing fees. We then empirically test predictions from our model by using data on bilateral exports of royalties and licensing fees for 181 countries/regions for the period 1995-2012. Various dummy variables are used to measure the impact of shallow and deep RTAs. Consistent with our theoretical prediction, we find that a shallow RTA without IPR provision may reduce total exports of licensing and that a deep RTA with legally enforceable IPR provision will increase total exports of licensing. The net effect of forming a deep RTA is positive.
