
 >  News  >  KU-NAU COIL : First LIVE Virtual Session

2019.10.18Advanced Programs

KU-NAU COIL : First LIVE Virtual Session

Six students from NAU led by Professor Jeremy Brees had their first live COIL virtual session with six KU students led by Professor Akinori Iwamoto and two NAU students studying abroad at Kansai University on Friday morning to kickstart their semester-long collaboration with ice breaking activities. Professor Keiko Ikeda, Vice-Director of IIGE facilitated the virtual session.



Professor Brees kicked off the session with an overview of the expectations of the students’ collaboration, which aims to develop the students’ cross cultural communication skills and create a deliverable business product in partnership with the KU Japanese marketing teams.



Over the past three months, KU students have been working to develop a healthcare app while the NAU students have been conducting research to create an HR marketing strategy. The end product will be presented to Japanese business technology development company Proassist, Ltd., to be offered as an  innovative healthcare app to their employees.

The KU students shared their app development progress in a brief presentation, followed by a breakout session in which the NAU presented their marketing research strategy with their KU counterparts.




To read more about the KU students' presentations, visit 


Professor Brees visited Kansai University in June 2019 to meet with Professor Iwamoto and begin preparations for this COIL project. Read more about the start of the Professors' collaboration here