Education and Research

Education and Research

Promotion of Educational Development

Research Promotion and Development

  • Research Activities and Results

Kansai University Library

 Kansai University has four libraries, one at each of the following campuses: Senriyama, Takatsuki, Takatsuki Muse, and Sakai.  These libraries boast top-class facilities and book collections.  This includes everything from classical book collections to digital materials.  Each library provides educational and research support with comprehensive services.

Kansai University Museum

 Kansai University's museum was opened in 1994 and has around 70,000 items in its collection, including materials related to archeology, history, and folklore as well as arts, crafts and nature.  The museum is also used for academic research, classes on archeology and history, and is a site for practical courses aimed at obtaining qualifications as a curator.

Center for Information Technology

 All campus are equipped with a well-developed network providing cutting-edge ICT to support advanced research and education activities.  There are many on-campus Wi-Fi access points, so personal computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices can be used with the campus network.  We also provide on-demand printing services and comprehensively licensed software.

Book Publishing

 Kansai University Press publishes academic books and university course materials, with a particular focus on publishing the research results of full-time faculty members.  Kansai University Press is not an independent organization but is positioned as a part of the university.  It has established a publication grant system for faculty members, and engages in a variety of services including editing, publishing, and book sales.

Seminar Houses

 Our University has five seminar houses throughout Japan, all of which are intended to support education and research activities while developing rich interpersonal relationships.  These facilities are located in quiet environments surrounded by nature, and they can be used for research, training, seminar training camps, and other curriculum activities as well as club and other extracurricular activities.