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  2. 教員が語る専門領域の魅力
  3. 教員が語る専門領域の魅力 vol.13 スコット オーブリー 准教授

教員が語る専門領域の魅力 vol.13

スコット オーブリー 准教授

Using technology and tasks to improve student participation

スコット オーブリー 准教授


私は、タスクを用いた言語教育 (task-based language teaching)、英作文に訂正フィードバック(written corrective feedback)、第2言語モチベーション(second language motivation) を含む分野の研究をしています。

Teaching and research

Creating a classroom environment in which students are productively engaged in learning activities should be an important goal for teachers because it is essential for the language learning process. However, after teaching English for several years in Japan, I have noticed some barriers that prevent many Japanese students from actively participating in English class. My research and teaching interests, therefore, are concerned with finding methods to increase student participation. In particular, I am interested in exploring two ways of doing this: (1) designing communicative tasks in order to provide students with opportunities to use authentic English and (2) using technology to facilitate written interaction between students.

Creating an English-using community in the classroom

One obvious disadvantage for learners of English in Japan is that there are few opportunities for students to use English with non-Japanese inside and outside of class. This lack of inter-cultural contact can lead to unclear reasons for learning English, an inability for students to see themselves as part of a real English-using community, and ultimately low motivation to learn. Providing a classroom solution to this problem became the focus of my Ph.D. research. To conduct my research, I started inviting international students into my class to interact with Japanese students in various language activities or tasks. I found that this kind of experience can lead to more productive and focused students, who begin to see English as a useful communication tool. Since then, I have tried to develop tasks in my classroom that result in a similar level of heightened engagement. These interactive tasks require students to go beyond simple exchanges of information, pushing them to think critically and make decisions about topics they feel are important.

Using technology

Another way to promote engagement in the language classroom is through the use of technology. When students are learning to write paragraphs or essays in English, it is common practice to do writing activities using a pencil and a piece of paper. This traditional pen-and-paper writing is usually done individually, which can lead to quiet classrooms with little interaction. However, the use of online computer programs can transform the writing classroom into an interactive and stimulating environment. The Internet can connect students together, providing opportunities for sharing texts and learning from each other. In my classes, I have found that the use of online editing programs can create an environment where students are more productive and respond to the teacher’s feedback more often than they otherwise would. Furthermore, when using this technology, my research has shown that teachers can give faster corrections to students' written grammatical mistakes, leading to more effective language learning. My future students can expect to not only improve their academic writing skills but also learn important computer skills while participating in enjoyable collaborative tasks.


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